Svetlana A. Pevnitskaya


Research Interests:

Experimental Economics, Game Theory, Auctions, Networks, Environmental Economics, Decision Theory, Behavioral Economics


Select publications:

The Effect of Access to Clean Technology on Pollution Reduction: an Experiment, with Dmitry Ryvkin, Games and Economic Behavior , 2022; Vol. 136, pp. 117-141.
Rewards and Punishments in Bargaining, with Dmitry Ryvkin, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy , 2022; 31: 171-192.
Do Preferences for Charitable Giving Help Auctioneers?, with Mark Isaac and Tim Salmon, Experimental Economics , 2010, 13, 1, 14-44.
Indicative Bidding: An Experimental Analysis, with John Kagel and Lixin Ye - Games and Economic Behavior, 2008, 62, 697-721
Endogenous Entry and Self-selection in Private Value Auctions: An Experimental Study, with Thomas Palfrey - Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2008, 66, 731-747 (earlier version of this paper is Caltech Social Science Working Paper No.1172, 2003)
An Initial Implementation of the Turing Tournament to Learning in Repeated Two Person Games, with Jasmina Arifovic and Richard McKelvey - Games and Economics Behavior, 2006, 57, (1), 93-122

Featured working paper:

Information Aggregation in Directed Networks, with Chris Brown, submitted


Undergraduate Courses

Intermediate Microeconomic Theory, FSU, Ohio State, USC
Applied Game Theory, FSU
Experimental Economics, FSU
Undergraduate Research Methods, FSU
Directed Independent Study, FSU

Graduate Courses

Experimental Economics (PhD), FSU
Markets and Auctions (PhD), FSU
Experimental Economics Reading Group, FSU
Topics in Experimental Economics (PhD), FSU
Topics in Microeconomic Theory (PhD), FSU
Microeconomic Theory II (PhD), FSU
Mathematical Methods in Dynamic Economics (Masters), University of Southern California (USC)
